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Russian PM gives instructions to set up organizing committee to celebrate TASS’s 120 years

MOSCOW, June 29. Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin has issued instructions to establish an organizing committee to arrange and hold festivities marking the 120th anniversary of TASS, according to a document published on the website of the state system for legal information.
The Russian Foreign Ministry will inform the secretariats of the United Nations and UNESCO about arrangements for festive activities. The Russian government issued recommendations to hold events abroad, too.
The State Academic Bolshoi Theater of Russia and the Moscow-based World Trade Centr business center will be involved in preparations for the celebrations.
Russian news agency TASS, the country’s first unified body for distributing official information, will turn 120 years old on September 1, 2024. TASS started as the St. Petersburg Telegraph Agency, which opened its doors on September 1, 1904.
